HE lite – Moisture PortableYou are here:Home/Shop /PfeufferENG /HE lite – Moisture PortableHE liteSturdy moisture meter for agricultureRapid and simple measurement of grain
Review the productHE lite – Moisture PortableYou are here:Home/Shop /PfeufferENG /HE lite – Moisture PortableHE liteSturdy moisture meter for agricultureRapid and simple measurement of grain
Review the productHE 50 moisture meter for agriculturevery easy handlingfast measurementhigh precisionautomatic temperature correctionhigh measurement range to over 30 % moisture14 calibrations included
Review the productHE 60Moisture meters for grain stores. Reliable and exact measurements during harvest, drying and storage.Measurement method, thousand times approvedAutomatic temperature correctionOfficial
Review the productHE 90Moisture measurement of cereals and floursOfficially approved standard moisture meters for grain stores. Reliable and exact measurements during harvest, drying and storage.
Review the productMLNModel MLN with straw and sand sieve and model SLN3 with additional sorting sieveSelection by sample gives an accurate assessment of the total
Review the productFriabilimeterFriability and whole hyaline of maltfast and easy analysing methodpractice-oriented determination of the brewing valuesimplifies the malt analysisro
Review the productContadorCount and Fill all seeds from 0,3 mm up to 15 mmhigh counting speedprecise counteasy to usequiet operationflexiblePrinciple
Contador 2High speed counting and fillingCounting speed of up to 5000 grains/minCompact designCompatible with filling station Contafill 2Fully controllable via PC softwareR
Review the productSORTIMATSorting and quality assessment of cerealsDetermination of the boldness of brewing barleyQuality assessment of cerealsavailable with 3, 4 or 5 sievesSolid construction
Vario 2HPurposeDividing samples of grain, seed and other granular products. Accurately dividing to the desired sample size in one operation. Copy sample option on some models.
Review the productDVB 200Automatic sampler for cereals, feedstuffs, seeds and similar bulk flow solidsBenefits:100% representative sample, thereby maximising control.Optimum productivity –
Review the productDVB 300Automatic sampler for cereals, feedstuffs, seeds and similar bulk flow solidsBenefits100% representative sample, thereby maximising control.Optimum productivity – t
Review the productCHONDROMETERHectoHectolitre Measuring System – Chondrometer 0,5 ltr.sturdy construction (stainless steel)easy handlinghandy and independent from the mains
Riffel DividersManufactured from stainless steel, no static electricity.The construction prevents the escape of dust.The hinged container prevents failure in operation.The Divider is manufa
Review the productGT 1Temperature measuring rods for control in bulk goodsLarge LCD displaySensor in the top and in the handleSturdy rod made of glass fiber material